SUSPECT® Empire is a fashion line, a trend, a Lifestyle, wherever weirdness, high tech, creative and ingenious fashions meet, that’s where SUSPECT® Empire is.

SUSPECT®is inspired by anything that goes on from the mainstream scene to the underground scene. Being Suspect has always being considered as being on the bad side of the picture, on the wrong side of where everyone else is...Ok well, what is being creative then? isn’t it being on the other side, isn’t it being where everyone isn’t at or isn’t doing? That’s why we believe in and we try to push the limits in everything that we are involved in.

SUSPECT® Empire is an artwork, an Icon. The essence of fashion and risk. A Suspect piece is not just a product, it is a dream, a futuristic concept put on quality textile. Each item shwocases the brand signature style, the desire and affection that an artist gives to his masterpiece.

For more us follow us out on twitter @Suspect_Empire or like us on facebook Suspect Empire

The Suspect Team